The 14th annual Bear Creek Kraut Run is scheduled for Saturday September 7th, 2024. The Bear Creek Kraut Run raises funds for the Bear Creek Fire Dept. and the Bear Creek First Responders. The Bear Creek Kraut Run holds a 501 C3 tax exempt status. This means donations to our run are tax deductible for you and your business. We would greatly appreciate your donation. There are six tiers to choose from for your donation level. If you have any questions about these tiers please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Bronze: $99 or less  

Name of company into runner bags 
Name of company onto a sponsor board
Name on sponsorship page on the website

Silver: $100 - $249

All of the Bronze level
Name on the Bear Creek Kraut Run T- shirt
Announce name once during the event

Gold: $250 - $499

All of the Bronze and Silver levels
One Business sign along the run routes
Announce business name 2 times during
 the event
Business name scrolling on the main page 
of the website

Platinum: $500 to $999

All of the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels
A total of 2 business signs along both the run routes
Name fixed on the main page of the website 
Company bolded on Bear Creek Kraut Run T-shirt
Special announcements on behalf of your business

Diamond: $1,000 to 1,999

All of the Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels
A total of 3 business signs along both the run routes
Company Logo on the Bear Creek Kraut Run T- shirt
Name and Logo on our Diamond Sponsor banner
Up to 5 free runner registrations
Double Diamond: $2,000 and up

All of the Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond levels
A total of 5 business signs along both the run routes
Name fixed on the face book page for our event
Self-provided business sign placed along event route
Up to 10 free runner registrations

Without sponsors, such as your business, the Bear Creek Kraut Run could not exist. With all the proceeds raised by this event the Bear Creek Fire Department and the Bear Creek First Responders are able to purchase lifesaving equipment that otherwise would not be provided in a normal budget. By donating to the Bear Creek Kraut Run you are not only helping us save lives, but you are showing that your business is a supporter of the community. Thank you for taking the time to consider sponsoring our event and we hope you will join us to help keep our communities safe.

Please send all donations to the Bear Creek Kraut Run, E8762 Silver Creek Rd., Bear Creek, WI 54922 or contact Patrick Huss at (715) 460-1696. Deadline for this year’s event is Aug 1st. This will ensure a space on our event T-shirt.


Patrick Huss, Steve Janke, Shannon Selle, Mike Schertz Mike Mischler and Rhonda Schertz.